Growing Together


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Growing Together


The Church needs every generation, yet many churches are missing out on the gifts and perspectives of youth and young adults. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not that young people don’t care about faith anymore. Many of them do. But young people aren’t going to join the church just to fill the seats on Sunday morning. They want more than a good sermon or a contemporary worship band. They are looking for an authentic community that embraces them and the gifts they bring to the body of Christ.

“Faith Church's inter-generational congregation fuels and strengthens the connection between members of all ages. We're Growing Together. And, these Six Core Values make up the heart for our community.”

Keychain Leadership

Warm Community

Empathy Always

Jesus’ Message

Prioritize Relationships

Best Neighbors

The Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) studied more than 250 leading congregations, and they discovered six essential strategies (unlocking keychain leadership, empathizing with today’s young people, taking the message of Jesus seriously, fueling a warm community, prioritizing young people, and being the best neighbor) any church can use to engage young people.

In 2017, Faith Church was invited by Fuller Youth Institute to participate in a cohort and create transformation within the people of Faith Church. It is our hope that we become a church that elevates our young people and youth and takes steps to create a church environment that inspires hope for generations to come.

Faith Church members completed a Growing Young survey in 2018. The following document shows us the realities of where we were as a church based on the 6 core commitments of Growing Young. Here is a link to the survey: Church-Assessment-Report-2018