Last winter, Pastor Marcia partnered with Rick P, one of Faith Church’s global mission partners, to help him start a pilot program to connect American speakers of English with university students in Turkey studying to become English Language Teachers. Several people from Faith Church were involved. It was a great success in many ways: friendships were made, perspectives and faiths were shared and grown, and the students significantly improved their spoken English!
Now that the fall semester has begun, the English Language Partnership with Century University in Van, Turkey is about to start up again. Rick will be facilitating this partnership again, and we encourage you to prayerfully consider being part of this unique and wonderful cross-cultural opportunity! Please also feel free to reach out to Pastor Marcia at if you have questions.
How it Works:
We partner you with three students that have a basic level of English. We train you on how to be a good language partner with those who are learning English. We provide prompt questions to stimulate conversations and prepare you lead the small discussion group. Then, you just talk! 5 sessions of 1 hour each. The first and last sessions have a debrief.
What you do:
· Saturday, October 2: Training Session via Zoom, “What Makes a Good Language Partner?”
· Saturday, October 9: 1 hour speaking session with 3 Turkish student partners, ½ hour debrief with just volunteers.
· 4×1 Hour speaking sessions with your partners at your time of choice
· Saturday, November 6: 1 hour speaking session with 3 Turkish student partners, ½ hour debrief with students and volunteers.
Times for the Saturday sessions will be in the morning, but your time will be emailed your specific time later after groups are assigned.
If you want to participate, you must register with this link by September 30:
We ask for your phone number so that students may talk with you over various telephone apps if computers programs don’t work, or in many cases, unaffordable for students.
You’ll receive a Zoom link for the first session a few days before the start. Looking forward to seeing you!
Grace and Peace,
Rick Peterson
Advancing Van English