All members are welcome to attend the Congregational Meeting in the Sanctuary at 10 a.m. on Sunday, December 8, 2024. (This meeting will also be livestreamed for those unable to attend in person.)
These links are available for you to look over information for the Congregation Meeting:
Congregation Meeting Agenda 12-08-24
FRC Congregational Meeting Minutes 12.10.23
Proposed Slate of Consistory Members:
Administrative Elders:
Personnel Elder: Craig Wever
Care Elder: Doug Vos
Spiritual Formation Elder: Kris Bastiaanse
Administrative Deacons:
Assistant Treasurer: Carey Koele
Assistant Facilities Deacon: Matt Grunst
Absentee Ballots:
Use this ABSENTEE BALLOT to vote to approve or disapprove of the 2025 Proposed Budget and the slate of proposed Consistory members for 2025.
There are also copies and a ballot box in the gathering area. Each member may submit one vote.